Meet the 2023-24 Mercy Missionaries

The Mercy Missionaries with Archbishop Sample: (left to right) Sister Teresa, Ariel Lewin, Marcela Velez, Archbishop Sample, Samuel Stucki, Chelsea Lua.

Why did you say yes to a second missionary year?

When I was first asked to consider another year, I had just come out of a period of deep discouragement in the homeless ministry. And yet, I felt sure that as far as I was seeking to do His will, every step I took was strengthened by the Lord. Not knowing where that yes would lead me, I was nonetheless convicted that the best way to hear His voice was to go deeper in prayer and in service to the community and our friends on the streets.  ~Ariel

In contrast to my discernment for my first year, in which God spiritually slapped me on the back of the head and said “I want you to do this!”, He let me make my own choice about serving as a missionary a second time. After quite a while discerning, it was the people we serve on the streets who indirectly told me to do this again. In the closing months of the program, I didn’t want to say goodbye to the friends I had made. I felt that Christ wasn’t done using me to bring Him into their lives just yet. ~Samuel

I said yes to a second year because this community is on fire and there's still so much to learn from the people around me and the ministering we are being invited to do. Doing a second year was not my initial plan, but it's been such a blessing to give to the Lord in this capacity, by serving the less fortunate and sharing the light that He has given to me. In Matthew 10:8 the Lord says, "without cost you have received, without cost you are to give," and that was my ultimate reason for saying yes to a second year. O how much He has given to me indeed!  ~Marcela

A missionary year is a front row seat to witness and partake in the Lord's miraculous works. I couldn't pass up an opportunity for another season pass! The Lord blessed me last year abundantly with internal healings and expedited spiritual growth. I was eager to give another year to proclaim the Gospel with a deeper conviction.  ~Chelsea

How did you grow in faith in your first missionary year?

I was only confirmed in the Catholic faith at the 2022 Easter Vigil! Since becoming a Mercy Missionary, I’ve experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in an incredible way. He is the one who allows us to evangelize, and as we do so, increases our faith. To do that, we also need to know what we believe—and who we follow. Daily Gospel meditation is the most impactful prayer moment for me, besides the Mass. It literally transforms us to be like Christ, and it’s taught me so much about his love for each of us.  ~Ariel

Choosing to do this missionary year required a full surrender to God’s will. Both in a singular moment of accepting it, and little surrenders every day. This was hard to do, but oh so very good. From leaving a 4-year career, to making the time for regular Night Prayer; each day was filled with surrendering myself to God. The slow build-up of all these little, daily surrenders slowly created a deep trust in God. That whatever I give him (myself, my desires, other people, time), He’s going to take and make it better than I could have ever imagined. ~Samuel

Witnessing the providential experiences of those He brought to St. Michael’s, especially to the Newman Center, increased my faith in the power of God. Seeing people thirst for His presence and stumbling upon this Church is testimony to His desire to save their souls. I encountered the Lord during a time where I was at my lowest, and being given the opportunity to witness Him do the same to other people truly grew my faith in His plan for the whole world. ~Marcela

Being able to first hand witness the Lord transform the lives of so many people around me opened my eyes to the Risen Lord's strong presence even in our current times. I specifically grew in humility realizing that I merely create the space for the encounter and God is the one who does all the work inside the hearts of people. God invites me to partake in His work, but the work is all His doing.  ~Chelsea

What is something you are taking away from training, that you hope to carry with you throughout this year?

The reality of God’s power to heal. Nothing is impossible for those who have faith. During training, we learned about the types of addiction and mental illness many on the streets are suffering from, but we also heard awe-inspiring testimonies of physical and spiritual healing. I believe more than ever in God’s desire to heal us, to restore us to right relationship with Him. There isn’t anything He won’t do so that we can love Him better.  ~Ariel

Already present in my prayers, both interiorly and when praying with others, I want to keep in mind that the Holy Spirit, the infinite God of the universe, is present within all of us after Baptism. That He wants to be active in our lives, and work through us the same way He worked through the Apostles. Both a humbling and empowering realization, remembering this, challenges me to not hesitate when I feel a call to prayer or action.   ~Samuel

During training, we were taught that "He must increase, I must decrease" and I have the fullest intention on exercising that call before I'm sent off into the real world. I am putting that into practice now as I hit the streets of Portland to serve His people and radiate His light. I, Marcela, cannot do anything, but He can, and He will! Having trust in that is what motivates me to give this year my all, as well as depending on prayer to get me through each day- each encounter.  ~Marcela

One of our trainings was on prayer in common which we hope to incorporate into our mission by praying with many people we encounter on the street. It is easy for me to ask someone for prayer intentions and intercede before the Blessed Sacrament, but praying there gathered on the streets with the person before me is more challenging. I hope to carry the reminder of the power of praying in common when encountering people and being able to ask if I can pray for them.   ~Chelsea

What are you most looking forward to for this year of Mercy Mission on the streets?

Getting to know, love, and support the people I’ve met on the streets better. I’m looking forward to deeper relationships as the ones I established last year continue throughout this year. ~Ariel

I’m incredibly excited to continue the relationships I was able to build last year. Already, seeing old friends has been an amazing blessing. My goal is for them to recognize that I am back and returning for them, and then to show that Christ is present and available in their lives infinitely more than I can be. I want to introduce my old friends to my best friend.  ~Samuel

I'm looking forward to taking their intentions to prayer and calling upon blessings to their lives. Meeting them where they are at is how we can make this happen.   ~Marcela

I am excited to break the chains of addiction in the name of Jesus Christ! After a year of formation and personal spiritual growth, this year's Mercy Mission on the streets is a call to tap into the healing power of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.  ~Chelsea

What are you most looking forward to for this year with the young adults at St. Michael’s? 

Inviting new people into the parish community! We have an awesome ARK leadership team focused on events that bring people in.  ~Ariel

As your lone male Mercy Missionary this year, I’m looking forward to infiltrating the lives of the young adults in this parish, particularly the young men, and making for the Lord more Missionaries! In one sense, for the future of this program, finding young men whom God may be calling to serve Him. But primarily in the sense in which we are all called to be missionaries. After being formed in this way of life for a year, I want to help form more disciples of Christ to evangelize the culture, and follow their Father. ~Samuel

With the young adults, I'm already so edified with their passion to serve the Lord in the Church and learning out to radiate His light throughout their day. I'm looking forward to having part in planning and coordinating the events that will allow us to grow in faith together in fun and healthy ways.  ~Marcela

This year is also serving as preparation for my vocation and creating the spiritual foundation for the rest of my life. I am excited to be edified by seeing how the young adults at St. Michael's live out their faith within their vocation and everyday life.  ~Chelsea

How can readers pray for you?

Pray for fortitude and faithfulness to our schedule of prayer especially. This is at the heart of our ministry, and I wouldn’t be able to do any of the work God has sent us to do without it. It’s also a great blessing to have the time for personal reflection and growth in the Lord—a rare one.  ~Ariel

Please pray for my courage! A courage not based in myself, but in God. That God wants me here, made me for this, and that I will not hesitate to act when called, speak of Him when asked, and live like Him this year. ~Samuel

Please pray that I grow in discipline and obedience in all this year invites me to do. Specifically in my prayer and community life.  ~Marcela

As I interact with people in hopes of proclaiming God's love, I find myself praying for boldness to be able to part my lips and allow the Holy Spirit to use me to speak into the hearts of those I encounter. Please pray that I may boldly allow God to do His work through me.  ~Chelsea

Sister Teresa Harrell